Frequently Asked Questions


Both.  We are concerned with your experience and capabilities, not your rank.

Again, NO.  We are not focused on rank.  We are looking for experienced leaders who understand self-accountability and responsibility.

Initially, we are focused on candidates who have been approved for the Skillbridge program.  If there is a similar transition program we are unaware of then please contact us.

While we are predominantly focused on helping military members transition out of active duty and into an entrepreneurial role, we will work with veterans in the right situation.  If you have already exited the military but are interested in going the small business or franchise ownership route, we still encourage you contact us.

While we aren’t nationwide yet, we do have some flexibility.  Our main operations are Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia.  Any reasonable distance from any of those is certainly acceptable.  We have partners in other locations, so please contact us so we can discuss your particular situation.  That being said, we are only investing in the contiguous United States (not Alaska or Hawaii).

How it Works

First, go to the Contact Us page and fill out the brief form so we can have a conversation.  For active duty members, you’ll also need to go to and read through the details of the program.  For already-transitioned veterans, the Contact Us form is enough to start the process.

Short answer: NOW.  The Skillbridge program is a 6-month program, leading up to your EAS date.  However, you need to be researching opportunities well before then so you have time to apply to the program, contact us, and work through the finer details BEFORE your 6-month period starts.  It’s never too early to lay the groundwork for your transition out of active duty.

ABSOLUTELY NOT.  Quite the opposite, there is a considerable financial upside for you personally.  We invest our own money in franchises and small businesses in order for transitioning military members to take over the senior leadership role in that company.  We also provide that leader the opportunity to earn equity ownership in the company for tenure and performance (again, NOT through additional financial investment).  

When a company/franchise sells, the buyer pays the equity owners the percentage of that price that correlates to the percentage ownership.  For example: if you own 20% of a company and that company sells for $1-million, then you would receive $200k of that.  This would apply regardless of the size of the company, so the equity owners typically have a more vested interest in growing the company.

We have partnerships and close relationships with many franchises, and also have considerable experience and relationships with traditional small businesses.  It’s important that the business you run suits your personality, experience, and desires.  Therefore, it’s more of a partnership discussion on which type of business makes sense for you.  This is a key reason we need to start our discussions before the start of your official 6-month Skillbridge window so we have time to work through those discussions.